Casey L. Allen, Cayce/Reilly School of Massage, Certified Massage Therapist
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Healing Oasis Massage, where mobile massage services are offered to bring you the rest, relaxation and rejuvenation you seek.
There are many ways to heal our lives, the first step of which I believe, is to let go of expectations. Have faith. Simply move forward. Try something new. Stick with what works positively, and keep striving, no matter the obstacles. Awareness and breathing...
Casey L. Allen, Cayce/Reilly School of Massage, Certified Massage Therapist
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Healing Oasis Massage, where mobile massage services are offered to bring you the rest, relaxation and rejuvenation you seek.
There are many ways to heal our lives, the first step of which I believe, is to let go of expectations. Have faith. Simply move forward. Try something new. Stick with what works positively, and keep striving, no matter the obstacles. Awareness and breathing are often taken for granted; it is a must to pay attention and to remember to breathe. Slow down.
My work is based on holistic principles, as we are more than just our bodies; our spirits and minds are equal participants. I received my training at the Cayce/Reilly School of Massage, here in Virginia Beach.
Earlier on in my "career life", I had quite a variety of jobs, not really knowing what would be a good fit for me or what I wanted to do. I did know that I wanted to help others, while making a sufficient living for myself. What I have discovered with massage and other related modalities is that it also brings me much peace while I am "working", gives much relief to my clients, by providing a professional, safe and focused massage. I am committed to increasing my knowledge in my chosen field, giving me more tools to aid in each individual's healing, as they allow it.
During my time off, I enjoy kayaking, my hammock by the water, photography, singing, woodworking and spending time with my adorable dog, Peanut.
VA # 0019012329
Massage Therapy